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  Practical Help to Grow Your Business  

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It's Always Easier To
Think Of Answers To
Other People's Problems -
So Ask Someone Else
To Answer Yours!

You are obviously warm to the idea of investing in outside help to make your business really fly.

If you and your business qualify, we will arrange to visit you for a 'Survey Session' and spend about an hour and a half helping you understand what's holding your business back and considering what's best for you to do to set things on a better course.

Because we don't charge for this and because it is entirely without obligation for both parties, not every business is eligible for a FREE 'Survey Session'.

To qualify, you must be willing, ready and able to invest serious effort in the future of your business.

To qualify for a Survey Session, your business needs to meet at least any two of the following:

  • A limited liability company or partnership
  • Registered for VAT
  • Trading for at least two years
  • An active website of at least five pages
  • Turnover of at least £100,000

[If you feel you don't qualify, don't worry.  You might like to consider our Coaching and Mentoring programme instead.  Request your Telephone Taster call to find out more.]

Finally, your head office needs to be located in England, Scotland or Wales.  Unfortunately we are not able to offer our services in Northern Ireland or the Irish Republic at present.

If you believe your business qualifies, request your confidential, no obligation, free, SURVEY SESSION, by completing the form below and we will get back to you within the next two working days.

Business Growth

Visit our Business Growth area and discover how to achieve your goals.  Business growth is the key, the definition almost of business success.  Future growth of a business can be planned and caused to happen.

Getting Started in Business

Seek advice from a Professional Business Adviser - at the planning stage, not when you've wasted your savings and all the money you could borrow!  To access our Getting Started in Business section

Marketing Tips

Free ideas to help you improve your Marketing are available from our Marketing Advice area.

Sales Help

The best results come when the Sales function is an integral part of a well-planned overall Marketing strategy - Help is at hand!
To enter our Sales Advice section

* Your Name:

* Your Position:

* Business Name:

* Website:

* E-Mail:

* Business Phone: {UK Land-line number required}

* City: {England, Scotland or Wales only}

* What are the Sales & Marketing issues worrying you
   most at the moment?

* I am ready and willing to invest seriously in the future
   of my business and I am prepared to commit my own
   and my business's time and other resources to any
   Business Development programme I subsequently
   agree to. 

* Indicates a response is required

By filling in your details above you agree to receive emails and phone calls from David Winch.  We will also contact you to keep you appraised of developments in the business world and Sales and Marketing in general and at David Winch in particular.  You can unsubscribe or opt-out at any time.  Rest assured we won't in any circumstances share or sell your data with anyone.  We detest spam just as much as you.

Initiatives in Business Development Group Limited.  Helping People and Businesses to Grow.

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