"I attended David's excellent course on Pricing For Value and have signed up for a period of sales mentoring for my accountancy practice. David's approach is a synthesis of best advice, logically presented, fastidiously organised, and amusingly delivered. I would recommend him to any professionals looking to spruce up their sales skills."
Sales and Marketing
Sales and Marketing are not synonymous! And Marketing is about far more than promotion. For many people who market, Sales is the key word on their business card, and similarly you find those with Marketing in their job title are selling!
If Marketing is "The entire process of getting and keeping customers who pay you, so you make a profit", then Sales must be a part of Marketing
and not the other way around.
As your customers are taking the path from oblivious ignorance of your existence to being so aware and so familiar with you and how you are uniquely placed to provide the pain relief they want that they will contact you to seek your help, you have been Marketing!
Guiding a prospect along the journey from expressing an interest in, or an intent to, purchase, through their first purchase and into that state called "loyal customer" is Sales.
And ensuring that the first-time purchaser is aware of what else you can provide - and which they want - and encouraging continued two-way
communication so that Sales can create loyal customers out of them, and letting them easily tell the rest of the market how brilliant they think you are and
why, is once again Marketing.
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Business Growth
Visit our Business Growth area and discover how to achieve your goals. Business growth is the key, the definition almost of business
success. Future growth of a business can be planned and caused to happen.
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"I have known David for several years during which I have been in events where David has presented, and demonstrated, positive skills combined with a high level of business expertise in the topics presented. His latest Sales and Pricing workshop demonstrates his very able talents in handling and putting over a 'daunting' subject.
I was impressed by the thoroughness of the content and the way the ideas were put across. I think even the most experienced sales person would get inspiration and new ideas by attending and those who charge an hourly or day rate could well transform the way they do business. I would recommend this to all." |
Sales Help
The best results come when the Sales function is an integral part of a well-planned overall Marketing strategy - Help is at hand! To enter our
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"Using our coaching calls to role-play the value conversation gave me lots of confidence, and brought home the power of keeping silent!
"I have been able to deepen the conversations I have had, and to help my clients with their decision making. Thank you, David."
