"David has given me far more clarity and structure to my questioning process. What he suggests is never difficult to understand, but oh am I glad of his help to get it working for me. And boy does it work on prospective customers!"
21st Century Sales & Marketing
Before the end of the twentieth century, there had developed in Sales and Marketing the idea of winners (salespeople) and losers (customers), characterised
by military analogies.
People went on Sales and Marketing courses to learn to sell snow to Eskimos and sand to Arabs. Marketing was close on its
heels! Sales strategy and Marketing tactics were planned with military precision using military ideas.
Not Any Longer!
In the 21st century this just doesn't work any more. Sales and Marketing is now seen as a mutually beneficial partnership, characterised by analogies to do with trust, competence and integrity.
If the Eskimos want more snow or the Arabs want more sand, then they can buy it from a 21st century salesperson. It's now realised that
you need to be supplying the 'right' product and promoting it to customers who want it.
Sales is now looked on as a win-win activity where buyer and seller help each other to fairly share the greatest amount of value available. By embracing 21st century ideas of Sales and Marketing, where both parties' best interests are the same, where doors are kept open for future business and where customers are so pleased they want to tell the world, businesses are able to stop wasting money on ineffective and inappropriate activities, invest in productive and profitable strategies, and avoid disappointing sales and profit figures.
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The Customer Journey
Prospects need to see a clear route to their objective, and you to yours!
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"David's Discovery day was excellent. Packed with first class ideas, which made everyone think really hard, there wasn't any padding; we were all flat out the whole time.
"I particularly liked David's notions behind creating value and a really strong exercise around creating compelling marketing messages. All in all an excellent day, thank you David, 10 out of 10. Well worth attending, highly recommended."
"I so value your time and input, David, that I would not want to use it unwisely. By the end of the call I had far more clarity of where I am heading and far more confidence that my new business idea is viable.
"You've made me see that I must be clearer on my business proposition and routes to market, plus the need to track all my promotional activities."
