Rapport Building
Why is it that with some people, we just get on 'like a house on fire' within minutes of meeting? And yet, with others, whilst we can be civil and
make some progress, we never feel we'd like them as friends or to invite them round for a meal.
It's that magic thing called rapport! Don't think you've either got it or you haven't. It can be innate but more often it's
learned. But what is rapport?
The key to building rapport with prospects is observing; observing with all your senses. Then analysing; analysing how people like to
communicate, how they are aware of the world around them, and their interactions with it.
Using this knowledge you can interact with them in ways you know they will find accommodating, empathetic and synergistic. When you
have rapport communication is natural and it really can seem like you've known each other all your lives.
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