Stop Wasting Money
According to Al Ries and Jack Trout in their excellent book "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", more money is wasted on inappropriate Marketing than on any
other human activity outside Government. So stop wasting money!
Most small businesses waste money. For most small business, advertising simply does not work, so you have to be ruthless and immediately stop any
advertising that is not producing profits for you! Even if all your competitors do it, this doesn't mean they're right! If it's not
producing measurable profits, it's just wasting money!
If you are not a large, probably multi-national corporation, 'brand awareness' in isolation is a total waste of money! If it's going to
work at all for the small business, you have to do brand awareness on the back of lead generation. And you need to monitor most carefully whether each
and every lead generation activity is working for you.
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21st Century Sales & Marketing
Stop Wasting Money, Invest in Profitable Strategies, and Avoid Disappointing Sales and Profits
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