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The Customer Journey
If a prospective customer cannot see a clear path to the next step of their journey, they will be hesitant to leave the 'comfort zone' they are currently in.

Fairly obviously, the coldest of cold prospects will never have heard of you, your products, your services and the great value you can bring to them, their lives and their businesses.

Equally obviously, the best customer you can possibly have buys large amounts very often, and is so enamoured of you that they not only tell all their friends but shout the message from the roof tops to the rest of the planet.

The conundrum is how to get every prospect from the state of ignorance (of your existence) to being an evangelist, without undue personal involvement or huge commitment of resources.

By acquiring a knowledge of the seven essential steps of the Customer Journey - a sequence of 'stepping stones' that allow prospects to journey across this metaphorical river - businesses are able to generate highly qualified sales leads, convert them to high lifetime-value customers, and have a large proportion of their future prospecting done for them at little or no cost.

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21st Century Sales & Marketing

Stop Wasting Money, Invest in Profitable Strategies, and Avoid Disappointing Sales and Profits

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Rapport Building

If relationships are crucial to 21st century sales, then building rapport with prospects is crucial to those relationships.  And rapport building can be learned.

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Trust Building

People say that it takes time to build trust - Well it only does if you let it!

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Stop Wasting Money

More money is wasted on inappropriate Marketing than on any other human activity outside of Government.

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Initiatives in Business Development Group Limited.  Helping People and Businesses to Grow.

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