Marketing Planning
The process of getting to where you want to be, from where you know you are, can often benefit from a plan.
Planning in Marketing should be and can be simple. Unfortunately the term "Marketing Plan" has been hijacked by the Business Schools to mean
a lengthy tome that contains many statements of intent but few if any instructions to get you to where you want to be. On the plus side, most will
acknowledge that going through the planning process is what delivers the benefit. In Marketing planning of the steps you must take is as crucial as it
is in any other sphere.
Consequently, a "Marketing Action Plan" derived from a comprehensive, gap-free Marketing Strategy, will be a precise set of actions, or projects,
that will help you achieve your goals.
Be aware also that the creation of a Marketing Action Plan is only the start. By itself, it will not achieve your goals. If
the plan is not executed, made to "happen", then no result will be delivered and no goals will be achieved.
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